The Management of Medec Medicare Limited continues to strive for excellence in good governance and responsible management practices, benchmarking with the best of global companies.
The Company has been practicing corporate governance principles much before it became mandatory. Our Company believes that for a company to be successful it must maintain global standards of corporate conduct towards its stakeholders. Our company believes that it is rewarding to be better managed and governed and to identify its activities with the national interest. To that end, Our Company has always focused on good corporate governance which is the key driver of sustainable corporate growth and long-term value creation. The company views corporate governance in its widest sense almost like a Trusteeship, a philosophy to be progressed, a value to be imbibed and an ideology to be ingrained into the corporate culture.
It is not merely compliance and simply a matter of creating checks and balances; it is an ongoing measure of superior delivery of the company’s objectives with a view to translating opportunities into reality. It involves leveraging its resources and aligning its activities to national needs, shareholders’ benefits and employees growth, thereby delighting all its stakeholders, while minimizing the risks. The primary objective is to create and adhere to a corporate culture of conscience and consciousness, transparency and openness, fairness, accountability, propriety, equity, sustainable value creation, and ethical practices and to develop capabilities and identify opportunities that best serve the goal of value creation, thereby creating an outperforming organization
The Company has an optimum combination of Executive & Non-Executive Directors on the Board. The Board comprises Two Executive Directors and Two Non-Executive Independent Directors. It also has three eminent members as Advisors to the Board.
Board Procedure:
(A) Institutionalized decision-making process:
With a view to institutionalizing all corporate affairs and setting up systems and procedures for advance planning for matters requiring discussion/ decisions by the Board, the Company has defined guidelines for the meetings of the Board of Directors and Committees thereof. These Guidelines seek to systematize the decision-making process at the meetings of the Board/Committees, in an informed and efficient manner.
(B) Scheduling and selection of Agenda items for Board /Committee Meetings:
(i)The meetings are convened by giving appropriate advance notice after obtaining approval from the Chairman of the Board/ Committee. Detailed agendas, management reports, and other explanatory statements are circulated in advance in the defined agenda format among the members for facilitating meaningful, informed, and focused decisions at the meetings. To address specific urgent needs, meetings are also being called at shorter notice. In case of exigencies or urgency, Resolutions are passed by circulation.
(ii)Where it is not practicable to attach any document or the agenda is of confidential nature, the same is tabled with the approval of the MD. In special and exceptional circumstances, additional or supplemental item(s) on the agenda are permitted. Sensitive subject matters are discussed at the meeting without written material being circulated.
(iii)The agenda papers are prepared by the concerned officials, sponsored by the concerned functional Directors, and submitted for obtaining approval of the Managing Director, well in advance. Duly approved agenda papers are circulated among the Board members by the Company Secretary and by the respective convener of the Committee.
(iv)The meetings of the Board/Committees are generally held at the Company’s Registered Office in Mumbai.
(v) The Board/Committee is given presentations covering Finance, Production, Operations, major Business Segments, Human Resources, Marketing, Joint Venture operations, etc. of the Company and for taking on record quarterly/annual financial statements at the pre-scheduled Board/Committee meetings.
(vi) The members of the Board/Committee have complete access to all information of the Company. The Board is also free to recommend the inclusion of any matter in the agenda for discussion. Senior management officials are called to provide additional inputs to the items being discussed by the Board/Committee, as and when necessary.
(C) Recording minutes of proceedings at the Board Meeting:
Minutes of the proceedings of each Board/Committee meeting are recorded. Draft minutes are circulated among all members of the Board/ Committee for their critical appreciation and comments. The comments are incorporated in the minutes, which are finally approved by the Chairman of the Board/Committee. These minutes are confirmed in the next Board/Committee Meeting. The finalized minutes of the proceedings of the meetings are entered in the Minutes Book.
(D) Follow-up mechanism:
The guidelines for the Board/Committee Meetings facilitate an effective post-meeting follow-up, review, and reporting process for the action taken on decisions of the Board and Committee. Functional Directors submit a follow-up Action Taken Report (ATR) on the areas of their responsibilities, at least once a quarter, on the decisions/ instructions/directions of the Board.
(E) Compliance:
Every functional Director while preparing the agenda notes is responsible for and is required to ensure adherence to all the applicable provisions of law, rules, guidelines, etc. The Company Secretary has to ensure compliance to all the applicable provisions. A Quarterly Compliance Report (collected from all work centers) confirming adherence to all the applicable laws, rules, guidelines, and internal instructions/manuals including on Corporate Governance is reviewed by the Audit & Ethics Committee and the Board.
Role of the Company Secretary in the overall governance process:
The Company Secretary plays a key role in ensuring that the Board procedures are followed and regularly reviewed. The Company Secretary ensures that all relevant information, details, and documents are made available to the Directors and senior management for effective decision-making at the meetings. The Company Secretary is primarily responsible to ensure compliance with applicable statutory requirements and is the interface between the management and regulatory authorities for governance matters. All the Directors of the Company have access to the advice and services of the Company Secretary.
Board Committees:
In Compliance with both the mandatory and non-mandatory requirements under the Listing Agreement and the applicable laws, the Board has constituted the following committees: (i) Audit and Ethics Committee (ii) Investment Committee (iii) Financial Management Committee (iv) Business Development Committee (v) Corporate Governance Committee (vi) Risk Management Committee
Audit and Ethics Committee
The role of the Audit & Ethics Committee includes the following:
a) Overseeing financial reporting processes and the disclosure of financial information, to ensure that the financial statements are correct, sufficient and credible.
b) Recommending to the Board, audit fees payable to Statutory Auditors appointed by C&AG and approving payments for any other services.
c) Reviewing with management the periodic financial statements/results before submission to the Board, focusing primarily on:
– matters required to be included in the Directors’ Responsibility Statement;
– any changes in accounting policies and practices;
– major accounting entries based on the exercise of judgment by the management;
– qualifications in draft audit report;
– significant adjustments arising out of the audit;
– the going concern assumption;
– compliance with accounting standards;
– compliance with the listing agreement and legal requirements concerning financial statements;
– any related party transactions i.e. transactions of the company of material nature, with promoters or the management, their subsidiaries or relatives, etc. that may have potential conflict with the interest of the company at large;
d) Reviewing with the management, Statutory Auditors, Govt. Audit and Internal audit reports, adequacy of internal control systems, and recommending improvements to the management;
e) Reviewing the adequacy of the internal audit function, approving internal audit plans and efficacy of the functions including the structure of the internal audit department, staffing, reporting structure, coverage, and frequency of internal audits;
f) Discussion with internal auditors any significant findings and follow-up thereon;
g) Reviewing the findings of any internal investigations by the internal auditors into the matters where there is suspected fraud or irregularity or a failure of internal control systems of a material nature and reporting the matter to the Board;
h) Discussion with the Statutory Auditors before the audit commences, the nature and scope of the audit, as well as post-audit discussion including their observations to ascertain any area of concern;
i) Reviewing the Company’s financial and risk management policies;
j) Reviewing Quarterly Compliance Report confirming adherence to all the applicable laws, rules, guidelines, instructions, and internal instructions/manuals including on Corporate Governance principles;
k) Reviewing the management discussion and analysis of the financial condition and results of operations, statement of significantly related party transactions, management letters/letters of internal control weaknesses issued by the statutory auditors, and internal audit reports;
l) Reviewing the financial statements and in particular the investments made by the unlisted subsidiaries of the Company.
m) Matters relating to Corporate Governance including Ethics in business.
Minutes of the meetings of the Audit & Ethics Committee are approved by the Chairman of the Committee and are noted and confirmed by the Board in its next meeting.
The terms of reference of the Audit and Ethics Committee are as follows:
1. Overseeing our Company’s financial reporting process and the disclosure of its financial information to ensure that the financial statement is correct, sufficient, and credible.
2. Recommending to the Board, the appointment, re-appointment, and, if required, the replacement or removal of the statutory auditor and the fixation of audit fees.
3. Approval of payment to statutory auditors for any other services rendered by the statutory auditors.
4. Appointment, removal, and terms of remuneration of internal auditors.
5. Reviewing, with the management, the quarterly, half-yearly, and annual financial statements before submission to the Board for approval;
6. Reviewing, with the management, the statement of uses/application of funds raised through an issue (public issue, rights issue, preferential issue, etc.), the statement of funds utilized for purposes other than those stated in the offer document/prospectus/notice and the report submitted by the monitoring agency monitoring the utilization of proceeds of a public or rights issue, and making appropriate recommendations to the Board to take up steps in this matter;
7. Monitoring the use of the proceeds of the proposed initial public offering of our Company.
8. Reviewing, with the management, the performance of statutory and internal auditors, and the adequacy of the internal control systems;
9. Reviewing the adequacy of the internal audit function, if any, including the structure of the internal audit department, staffing, and seniority of the official heading the department, reporting structure, coverage, and frequency of internal audit;
10. Reviewing management letters/letters of internal control weaknesses issued by the statutory auditors;
11. Discussion with internal and statutory auditors on any significant findings and follow up there on;
12. Reviewing the findings of any internal investigations by the internal auditors into matters where there is suspected fraud or irregularity or a failure of internal control systems of a material nature and reporting the matter to the Board;
13. Discussion with the statutory auditors before the audit commences, about the nature and scope of the audit as well as post-audit discussion to ascertain any area of concern;
14. To look into the reasons for substantial defaults in the payment to the depositors, debenture holders, shareholders (in case of non-payment of declared dividends), and creditors;
15. To review the functioning of the Whistle Blower mechanism, when the same is adopted by our Company and is existing;
16. Carrying out any other function as may be statutorily required to be carried out by the Audit Committee;
17. The Audit Committee shall mandatorily review the following information:
* Management discussion and analysis of the financial condition and results of operations;
* Statement of significantly related party transactions (as defined by the audit committee), submitted by management;
* Management letters/letters of internal control weaknesses issued by the statutory auditors;
* Internal audit reports relating to internal control weaknesses; and
* Financial statements, in particular, the investments made by the unlisted subsidiary company.
Investment Committee
The Terms of Reference of the Investment Committee:
Subject to the powers and duties of the Board and to the requirements of the Companies Act, 1956, the Investment Committee will perform the following duties:
1. Investment Statements and Risk Policy:
Review and recommend to the Board at least annually:
(a) the Investment Statements; and
(b) the Risk Policy.
2 Implementation of Investment Policies:
Receive reports on the implementation of the Investment Statements and the Risk Policy.
3 Compliance with Investment Statements and Risk Policy:
Review, evaluate, and approve procedures that Management has implemented to monitor compliance with the Investment Statements and the Risk Policy by receiving Management’s annual report on specified internal controls audited by the external auditor.
4 External Managers – Criteria and Process for Selection:
Oversee the criteria and process for the selection of external investment managers with discretionary authority to invest the assets of the CPP Investment Board.
5 Engagements of External Managers:
Approve the engagement of investment managers with discretionary authority to invest the assets of the CPP Investment Board.
6 External Managers – Monitoring:
Oversee the process for monitoring external investment managers with discretionary authority to invest the assets of the CPP Investment Board.
7 Custodian:
Approve the selection of custodians.
8 Investment Transactions:
Approve Investment Transactions (as defined in the Authorities Policy) specifically outlined in the Authorities Policy.
9 Other:
Carry out other duties as may be determined from time to time by the Board.
10. Accountability:
The Investment Committee shall report its discussions to the Board by distributing the minutes of its meetings and, where appropriate, by oral reports at Board meetings.
2 Implementation of Investment Policies:
Receive reports on the implementation of the Investment Statements and the Risk Policy.
11) To assess the Plan recommended by the GEC and make appropriate recommendations to the Group Board.
12) To review on an ongoing basis the appropriateness of the Plan in the light of economic and business conditions affecting the Company and make recommendations for Board approval as may be appropriate.
13) To ensure that investments are made in accordance with the Plan.
14) To provide the Board with quarterly reports on investment performance.
15) To meet at least quarterly.
16) To monitor performance, including the performance of outside investment managers, to ensure that investment returns fall within acceptable limits.
17) To provide independent input to the Board on overall investment strategy and portfolio positioning matters, as required.
18) To review the governance process and policies in place on an annual basis and provide appropriate assurance to the Board.
19) To consider and if appropriate approve any specific investments in excess of Plan limits.
20) To consider and if appropriate recommendations to the Board for approval of any changes in limit thresholds above which the Board refers to the Investment Committee.
Financial Management Committee
The Terms of Reference of the Financial Management Committee, inter-alia, include the following:
1. Review the Company’s financial policies, risk assessment, minimization procedures, strategies, capital structure, working capital, and cash flow management and make such reports and recommendations to the Board with respect thereto as it may deem advisable.
2. Review banking arrangements and cash management.
3. Exercise all powers to borrow money (otherwise than by issue of debentures) within the limits approved by the Board and take necessary actions connected therewith including refinancing for optimization of borrowing costs.
4. Giving of guarantees/issuing letters of comfort/ providing securities within the limits approved by the Board.
5. Borrow monies by way of loan and/or issuing and allotting bonds/notes denominated in one or more foreign currencies in international markets, for the purpose of refinancing the existing debt, capital expenditure, general corporate purposes including working capital requirements, and possible strategic investments within the limits approved by the Board.
6. Provide corporate guarantee/performance guarantee by the Company within the limits approved by the Board.
7. Approve the opening and operation of Investment Management Accounts with foreign banks and appoint them as agents, the establishment of representative/sales offices in or outside India, etc.
8. Carry out any other function as is mandated by the Board from time to time and/or enforced by any statutory notification, amendment or modification as may be applicable.
9. Other transactions or financial issues that the Board may desire to have them reviewed by the Finance Committee.
10. Delegate authorities from time to time to the executives/authorised persons to implement the decisions of the Committee.
11. Regularly review and make recommendations about changes to the charter of the Committee.
Business Development Committee
In order to oversee new areas of business, proposals for collaborations, Joint Ventures, amalgamation, mergers and acquisitions; commercial matters including marketing etc. a Committee under the Stewardship of Mr. Mahesh Vaidya , an Independent Director has been constituted during the year under review.
The Terms of Reference of the Business Development Committee include the following:
• Review and report to the Board on investment and business development strategies.
• Review tactical plans developed to achieve investment and business development goals set out in the Corporation’s Strategic Plan.
• Review, monitor, and report to the Board on investment and business development opportunities.
• Review the economic evaluations of potential investments and business development opportunities.
• Review and recommend for the approval of the Board, the appropriate operating structure for potential investments and business developments.
• Monitor compliance with the External Investment Policy, Processes and Guidelines for Subsidiary Companies, if any and the Significant Transactions Reporting Policy, as well as any other guidelines established by the Company relating to investments and business development.
• Review and monitor Management reports regarding the proper due diligence for any investment or business development to be undertaken.
• Review and recommend for the approval of the Board investments or business development projects and initiatives.
• Review and recommend to the Board for approval the business development aspects of the Company’s annual business plan.
• Review and monitor the monetization of external investments.
• When requested by the Board, review and report on the status and future outlook of existing investments and business developments held by the Company from time to time. Such review should include using an approved corporate business plan.
• Review and report to the Board on the effectiveness and timeliness of Management’s execution of specific investments that were approved by the Board.
Risk Management Committee
The Board of Directors has constituted Corporate Governance Committee during the year under review.
Terms of Reference of Corporate Governance Committee:
1. Observance of practices of Corporate Governance at all levels and suggest remedial measures wherever necessary.
2. Provision of correct inputs to the media so as to preserve and protect the Company’s image and standing.
3. Dissemination of factually correct information to the investors, institutions, and public at large.
4. Interaction with the existing and prospective FIIs and rating agencies, etc.
5. Establishing oversight on important corporate communication on behalf of the Company with the assistance of consultants/advisors, if necessary.
6. Ensuring the institution of standardized channels of internal communications across the Company to facilitate a high level of disciplined participation.
7. Recommendation for the nomination of Directors on the Board.
Risk Management Committee
Terms of Reference of Risk Management Committee:
• To devise policies and guidelines for identification, measurement, monitoring and control for all major risk categories.
• To ensure that resources allocated for risk management are adequate given the size nature and volume of the business.
• To ensure that the managers and staff, who implement, monitor, and control, risk, possess sufficient knowledge and expertise.
• To review and approve market risk limits.
• To ensure the robustness of financial models and the effectiveness of all systems used to calculate market risk.
• To ensure a robust Management information system relating to risk reporting.